Hiking in the mountains - a gentle start

With its inviting and beautiful natural surroundings, Espedalen is the ideal place for a gentle hiking holiday.
The terrain in Espedalen is friendly and well suited for those who like to hike in the mountains but don’t want to do the most challenging hikes.

Easy hikes along old cart roads and trails. Sidetracks through thick heather and moss-covered rocks, into the woods or up into the mountains. You decide – there is no rush up here.

Espedalen is one of Gudbrandsdalen’s most beautiful mountain regions with Ruten (1,517 meters above sea level) as its highest point. On a clear day, from the top of Ruten, you can see all the way with fine views to the mountains of both Jotunheimen and Rondane national parks.

Summer flowers or autumnal hues of heather – the flora in Espedalen are an experience in itself. Here, within a small area, you find specimens of almost all high altitude plants that exist in Norway. The pasque flower blooms in May, and after the summer blooms, nature finishes off with colourful bushes full of blueberries and “tyttebær”(mountain cranberries) … and for those who know our secret: orange-yellow cloudberries full of flavour!

The artifacts such as reindeer/moose traps in the area, bear witness to the history of a rich animal life, which provides good nature experiences in our times as well. If you are lucky you can see both elk, foxes, martens, rabbits, wood grouse, falcons and white grouse in addition to the regular small animal and bird types. For those that are interested, hunting licenses can also be purchased for small game and birds in specific areas.

The Hulderbu, Bingsbu and Tonebu warming huts are popular destinations, and they are open year-round to our guests to use at no charge.


The paths and trails in Espedalen is connected to the DNT network of trails in Espedalen Protective Area and the Langsua National park.  There is a T-marked path from Dalseter over the top of Ruten to Fefor on the other side, and a T-marked path to Storhøliseter in towards Langsua. Beautiful, friendly, wild and inviting all at once Espedalen offers good nature experiences for young and old.

Hiking towards Bingsbu hut.


We like to hike ourselves - and spend a lot of time out in our beautiful nature hiking and in the winter cross country skiing. Therefor we know the terrain and the trails in our are very well - and will always have suggestions for walks depending on weather and you experience in hiking. We are also working on translating our written tour descriptions to English.

Different types of maps, including a small local one, can be purchased in our kiosk next to the reception.

Hiking in Espedalen - is like hiking in the Lake District - without the crowds
— UK guest

Short hike to Lohaugen - 3,5km from Dalseter.

Photo: Ian Brodie

Heidalsmuen 1645 masl is one hour drive from Dalseter. Then a 7,5km relatively easy hike to the top.

On the path to Tonebu